Friday, May 30, 2008

murphy website and reunion info

I always have trouble remembering the website, so for those like me, here it is, and you can connect to it from here.
Everybody should try to make the reunion this year.
It is unfortunate, but true, but almost every year, there is someone in attendance for whom it is the last chance you will ever have to see them.
Also, unfortunately, there is no way to tell which one it will be.
An opportunity missed, may be an opportunity never seen again. so, don't miss any opportunity to visit with friends and relatives.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

down at the home place

the old neighborhood in the spring time is also fun to visit. yesterday, May 7, I went down to Clay County and mowed weeds, briers, and grass on the old home place.

But here are some views of spring time, long, long, ago.

The picture with Me, Charles and Nancy in it was taken near the time of graduation. the hat i have on is a purple one that Ifound somewhere. The armband is for the Natiional Honor Society which i had just recently been inducted into, sothat is another reason why I know it was probably May. The bottom left picture is my Mother at the fence, and the one on the right is Poppy, standing on the front porch.
Yesterday, while I was sweating, working, and getting brier scratched, there was nothing there but weeds, grass, and briers.
But, in my mind, all these images were there, and i could almost see them all again.

no place like home in the springtime

Cherry pink and apple blossom white--great memories. Home is always a place in the heart, it may be real or imagined, it may come from an image remembered, or a song replayed in the mind.

Like CHERRY PINK AND APPLE BLOSSOM WHITE. Well, these aren't cherries or apples, but the pink and white dogwood in spring bloom bring bac, and make new, memories.
Here is how the niighborhood of 1215 20th st. Vienna looked on Monday of Mother's day week, 2008.