Thursday, May 22, 2014


The Murphy family reunion will once again be held at the Parkersburg city park, Parkersburg, W. Va. on Sunday, June 8, 2014.

This year our emphasis will be upon family heritage and history, and family geneology charts and books will be available for view.

Last year's reunion honored WWII Veteran Ray Murphy, and included a presentation by WWII vet Clem Dowler in honor of Ray.
Unfortunately, Ray is no longer with us but his spirit lingers on, and we have invited Clem to return for another presentation of his experiences, and to discuss his book with us. He will also be offering the invocation for our reunion meal.

Once again, we are looking for a great turnout of Murphys, Murphy relatives, or just Murphy friends and acquaintances.
Everyone should bring a covered dish, eating utensils, a chair, and maybe something to drink.
There will be door prizes and gifts as memorabilia of this great event.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at, or by phone at 304-295-6113.
My mailing address is 1215 20th St.
Vienna, W.VA. 26105 should you wish to communicate by mail.

One important item of business that needs to be handled this year is determination of a new chairman for the reunion in coming years.
So give it some thought and hopefully, decide to volunteer to take it on.
Also, having started the family tree project, i would like to see a family heritage committed created with at least four people volunteering to work together and expand on what has bee started, and to create a much more comprehensive history of our broad based family an extended family.
So give that some thought.\
i will look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 8, 2014 in Parkersburg, W.Va.
Jerrold Murphy

Thursday, May 16, 2013

murphy reunion visitors

Remember, the Murphy Reunion is coming up soon, Sunday, June 9.
It will once again be held at the Parkersburg City Park in Parkersburg, W.Va
If you plan to come and stay overnight, or for an extra day or two, you might want to check out the 
Parkersburg convention and visitors bureau web site.
It lists attractions, lodging and a lot of other information.
You can get on the site at
or just google Parkersburg Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The site has a lot of good information, and you can see pictures aroung the area, including city park.

Remember also, that this year we are honoring Ray Murphy, who served as part of a bomber crew in World War II. It is people like Ray who made it possible to live the life of freedom that we now enjoy.
Ray will be 90 years old by the time of the reunion, and he and his wife, Audrey,were married on May 28, 1949, and have now been married 63 years.
They will both be in attendance at the reunion, if Ray's health permits.

As soon as i can figure out how this blog works, i will post pictures of Ray and Audrey from back in the the day. they have changed it so much since my last post that i can't figure out how to load picture on here.
But i will put it on a later post.

 A few words about the reunion.
We will plan to eat around 1:00 but people will be there much earlier, so come when you wish and plan to visit and get re-acquainted with relatives from the past, andget acquainted with family members that you may have never met at all.
Bring a covered dish, some eating utensils and drinks for yourself, and, you might want to bring a chair.
we will have door-prizes, and of course, the annual auction to raise money to continue the reunion into the future.
if you wish to contact me, my e-mail is, and my phone number is

We'll look forward to seeing you t the reunion.
 Ray's plane, Lady Be good. Ray is the one on the extreme left. picture taken in 1942
Ray at age 18

Ray's wife Audrey. They were married May 28, 1949

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A New Picture

Just got this picture yesterday. Really enjoyed visiting with
Russell and Nancy Murphy.
Hopefully, we will get to see them at the re-union, but, if they don't make it, at least you have their picture here.

a reunion look at the past

Reunions are a great time to reconnect with our roots, and our heritage.
our reunion this year is June 10, a Sunday, at the Parkersburg city park.
For most of us, our heritage begins with men in this picture.
Some of the names are spelled wrong, for instance Francis Murphy's name is spelled with an 'e' in the picture but we still know who is meant.
Curt Murphy and Francis Murphy are the patriarchs of many of us, but some others are also important.
Homer Mullins, back row, beside of Poppy Curt was the father of Freda Mullins, who was married to Mark, so he is the grandfather to those kids.
Owen Myers, also in the back row, was the father of Marian Myers who was married to Paul, and grandfather to all those kids.
Back in those days, we all lived close together, and could see most of our cousins all the time.
now, unfortunately, we have spread far and wide from the little company owned community of Swandale, so we can only hope to get together at reunions.
mark you calendar and plan to get together on june 10 to rejoice, reconnect, and enjoy the fellowship of family and food.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


the previous post has a typo in it.
the location of the 2012 reunion is 1920 park ave.
parkersburg, 26101

you know, if you go on the msn weather page and put in the zip code in the blank at the top of the page, and then bring up the weather for that zip code--in this case 26101--you can click on the little map at the left of the page, and that will bring up a big map.
you can go up to the top of that page and click on bird's eye view, and get a pictorial view of the area.
so if you want to, you can look at city park from your own computer, or you can even look at my house. and, i can look at yours.
for instance, massillon is 44647, and i can look at houses or stores there, just now i was looking at the home depot store.
or if you want to, you can look down on my house in vienna.
and that is for free. i expect that if you subscribed to something like google earth, you could see in real time.

it is a wonderful tool to be able to see an actual view of whereever you want to go, just by clicking on the computer.
so, click away, find parkersburg city park, and come to the reunion on june 10, 2012.

more about the reunion

here is a picture from a previous reunion
as you can see, there are a lot of happy people enjoying a lot of good food and fellowship.
we want to have an even larger group out for the 2012 gathering, and hope that everyone who came last time will come back and bring someone else.
remember, parkersburg city park, 1920 part st.
parkersburg, 26101, on june 10, 2012.

see you there.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


1920 Park Ave in Parkersburg, W.Va. will once again be the sit of the Murphy reunion.
the date is sunday, june 10, 2012, and that is not father's day.
Plan to bring a covered dish, and we will uncover them about 1:00 o'clock which should give everyone time to get there comfortably.
we always hve lots of good food.
and, as usual, bring some items for the auction. that is how we keep on going.
most important, bring yourself, and enjoy the reminiscing and power visiting that goes on at an occasion like this.
look back through earlier posts on here for pictures of the park, and directions for getting there.
as usual, we will invoke the memories of our ancestors, going back though Curt, Francis, Lou, Cora, Ida, and all the others, back to Ephraim Murphy and Sarah Custer.

there are many family members who are no longer with us in body.
but through your memories, and your remembrances of them at times such as this, they will live on in our minds, and our younger generations will have the value of becoming acquainted with them through your remembrances.
please plan to attend, June 10, 2012.