Reunions are a great time to reconnect with our roots, and our heritage.
our reunion this year is June 10, a Sunday, at the Parkersburg city park.
For most of us, our heritage begins with men in this picture.
Some of the names are spelled wrong, for instance Francis Murphy's name is spelled with an 'e' in the picture but we still know who is meant.
Curt Murphy and Francis Murphy are the patriarchs of many of us, but some others are also important.
Homer Mullins, back row, beside of Poppy Curt was the father of Freda Mullins, who was married to Mark, so he is the grandfather to those kids.
Owen Myers, also in the back row, was the father of Marian Myers who was married to Paul, and grandfather to all those kids.
Back in those days, we all lived close together, and could see most of our cousins all the time.
now, unfortunately, we have spread far and wide from the little company owned community of Swandale, so we can only hope to get together at reunions.
mark you calendar and plan to get together on june 10 to rejoice, reconnect, and enjoy the fellowship of family and food.
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