Monday, December 15, 2008

christmas parade 2008

Well, it was another beautiful day for the Vienna Christmas Parade. as usual, Rachel and the Cadillac were both well decorated and looking Christmasy.

In the spirit of gift-giving, Rachel enjoyed herself by throwing candy out to children along the parade route. Also, as part of the Christmas giving spirit, entry into the parade was a case of food for the food pantry, so, like everyone else in the parade, we gave a generous donation of food.
sort of seems backwards, doesn't it. You buy and maintain an expensive car that folks enjoy looking at, and then, for them to have that opportunity, you pay for being in a parade.
sort of like a car show, where the participants pay to take part, and the spectators get in free. Oh! well, that is the nature of the hobby.
Since it was such a nice sunny day on Saturday, rachel was having trouble with the sun making her squint as she looked at the camera, so she had her hat kind of low.
Merry Christmas to all from the Murphys.

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